Feature adoption and habit-building for Product Managers

Kaan Uluer
3 min readSep 6, 2023


When looking at the process of teaching users how to utilize a specific product feature and fostering a habit of regular usage from a product management perspective, it involves a strategic approach to user onboarding and engagement. Here’s a detailed explanation tailored for product managers:

Feature Identification and Prioritization:

Start by identifying the specific feature within your product that you want users to adopt. Prioritize features based on their potential impact on user satisfaction, retention, or achieving product goals.

User Needs and Pain Points Analysis:

Understand the user needs and pain points that this feature addresses. This knowledge will help you align the feature with user goals and motivations.

User Education Resources:

Develop comprehensive educational resources such as in-app tutorials, tooltips, user guides, and video demos that clearly explain the feature’s functionality and benefits.

User Segmentation:

Segment your user base to target those who would benefit most from this feature. Tailor your communication and educational materials to different user segments.

User Testing and Feedback:

Before launching the feature or educational materials, conduct user testing and gather feedback to ensure they are user-friendly and effective.

User Onboarding Flow:

Design a user-friendly onboarding flow that guides users through the feature’s setup and initial use. Make it intuitive and seamless to reduce friction.

Setting User Goals:

Encourage users to set specific goals related to the feature’s usage. Offer suggestions or templates to help them get started.

Usage Analytics:

Implement analytics to track user engagement with the feature. Monitor how often users interact with it, and gather data on their behavior and usage patterns.

Personalization and Recommendations:

Leverage user data and behavior to offer personalized recommendations, suggestions, or reminders related to the feature. This helps users see the value in using it regularly.

A/B Testing and Iteration:

Continuously A/B test different approaches to feature adoption and education to identify the most effective strategies. Iterate and refine based on data-driven insights.

Feedback Loop:

Establish a feedback loop where users can provide input and suggestions for improving the feature and its educational resources. Act on valuable feedback promptly.

Gamification and Incentives:

Consider implementing gamification elements or incentives to motivate users to engage with the feature regularly. Rewards, badges, or progress tracking can be effective.

Community Building:

Foster a sense of community around the feature. Create discussion forums or user groups where users can share their experiences and tips.

Product Roadmap Alignment:

Ensure that the feature aligns with the overall product roadmap and strategic objectives. Regularly assess its relevance and make adjustments as needed.

User Success Stories:

Showcase user success stories and case studies that demonstrate how the feature has benefited others. These can serve as powerful social proof.

User Support and Training:

Provide responsive customer support and additional training resources for users who encounter challenges or have questions about the feature.

Data-Driven Decision Making:

Base your decisions on data and key performance indicators (KPIs). Continuously analyze whether the feature adoption and habit-building efforts are achieving the desired outcomes.

Long-Term Engagement Strategy:

Plan for long-term engagement by regularly refreshing educational content, introducing feature enhancements, and adapting to changing user needs and trends.

Approaching feature adoption and habit-building from a product management perspective involves a holistic and data-driven strategy to ensure that the feature becomes an integral part of the user experience and contributes to the product’s success.

Thanks for reading, cheers!




Kaan Uluer

Over 20 years of Fraud Prevention & Detection, Identity Principal Products Manager, CFE, Credit Bureau Professional. Tech and photography hobiest…